Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC

Fresh natural produce for everyone in the local community.


It all started …

Early 2017 I realised a real truth that community is the heart of where people gather to support, listen, share, unburden, laugh….. and there really didn’t seem to be anywhere where this was happening locally. In contrast it appeared that society was fostering division and separation along lines of age, wealth, background, religion, race and so on. So the garden came into being with the simplicity of creating somewhere where you could access consciously grown food through the process of Natural Agriculture with community at its heart. This garden was started at the time of the March 2020 lockdown where it came increasingly apparent that finding fresh produce was not only logistically challenging but regulation surrounding this access made you feel both uncomfortable and fearful. And so we had a rethink.

There is so much in this world that divides us. But communities in their numerous ways can bring everybody together where you all care, nurture and share for the benefit of all. We all have something to offer and it is within this care and spirit of the unity of community and a beautiful communion with the land that it provides you with food as its custodians.

A garden demands presence. It wants you to be wholly and fully there and you will then bear witness to the miracle of nature. If you just listen, the answers simply come. This is about trust.

In the strength of community we realised we could bridge inequality and bring everybody together around food: creating steps between all the separateness. We realised that together we all have the opportunity to grow food and to share our talents whilst tending to plants and soil. We can create opportunities for exchange through kindness and willingness to help. We seem to have lost that. We have been so isolated, individualistic. It is time to bring it all together.



We believe that this time is about coming together, reforging our ties with the earth itself, and trusting the process as we place our faith in nature to grow and provide us with our needs. Local community, sharing and networking is ever more important and the future is all about fresh seasonal produce directly from the land; the meals and preserves they make packed with goodness; and increased focus on what we can do for ourselves.