Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC

Terms & conditions.

Please read carefully. Last updated 12 August 2020.

Get started.

1) Reading, checking and understanding

  • 1.1 It is your responsibility to open and read your emails; to make sure you read the Griffin Growers website, your receipts; and the T&Cs carefully before joining or ordering anything.

  • 1.2 It is your responsibility to check your own bank statements; to know how your own payment service provider (PSP) operates including Stripe and / or PayPal; before joining or ordering anything.

2) Use of the Griffin Growers website

  • 2.1 By joining or ordering, you confirm that you have read and agreed to everything on this T&Cs page including but not limited to my Disclaimer & legal liability waiver; Refund policy; and Privacy policy sections.

  • 2.2 This site is a live document and it is regularly updated. Your access and use of the Griffin Growers website constitutes your acceptance of all site content, effective from the date of first use. We may revise any page at any time without notice and this T&Cs page in particular should be regularly checked. Continued use of this site after a change has been made or a policy has been amended is your acceptance of that change or policy.

  • 2.3 We accept no responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your computer system or the data stored on it while using this website.

  • 2.4 We accept no responsibility whatsoever for your personal timekeeping or technical arrangements when using this website or participating in Click & Collect.

3) EU GDPR compliance

  • 3.1 We take this legislation very seriously and have taken stringent steps including external evaluation to ensure that Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC continues to be compliant with this legislation.

  • 3.2 In particular, we ask for your consent every time you join an event to receive our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on ‘Unsubscribe’ in the footer of that email.


Disclaimer & legal liability waiver.

1) Company disclaimer

  • 1.1 If you choose to use the Griffin Growers website; make a purchase; and / or make a donation, this is unconditionally and completely of your own free will; at your own risk; and entirely within the understanding that any outcome(s) are completely beyond both our and your control.

  • 1.2 You therefore forever release, waive and discharge Georgina Enthoven, any staff, any volunteers, and Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC from any and all legal claims and liability, without limitation. This includes but is not limited to any and all types of upset, misunderstanding, injury or damage arising from any and all types of contact with; participation in; or use of information, events or products connected with the above five parties.

2) Food disclaimer

  • 2.1 Consuming any of our fresh, raw or prepared products may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially but not limited to, if you have a medical condition.

  • 2.2 Our Click & Collect offers fresh produce including eggs. While we take steps to minimise the risk of cross-contamination, and do not sell nut products ourselves, we cannot guarantee that any of our products are safe to consume for people with any type of allergies, including nut allergies.

  • 2.3 Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC does not assume liability for adverse reactions to any fresh produce consumed, plants or items you may come into contact with or consume.


Payment service provider (PSP) issues.

1) In the event you suspect an amount has been taken from your bank account in error, please first check your email confirmation.

2) Then, if you are sure there is a problem, please contact us at with a copy of both your bank statement and your original receipt.

3) PSP errors cannot be rectified after 7 calendar days after initial purchase. Any exception to this rule is entirely at our discretion.



1) All purchases are subject to a refund at our discretion

  • 1.1 Completing a purchase on this website indicates your acceptance of all of the terms and conditions on this webpage.

  • 1.2 We aim to please. If you are not happy please contact within 48 hours of your purchase describing the problem you have experienced.

  • 1.3 All decisions are made by Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC and are final.



1) Cookies

  • 1.1 When you use the Griffin Growers website, small files known as cookies are inserted into your device to collect information about your online activity and how you browse its pages mainly to remember what you've already seen so you're not shown it again.

  • 1.2 We also use cookie data to update and improve user experience but this will never be used to identify you or to collect or store your personal data.

2) Data security

  • 2.1 We ensure that your data is as safe as is reasonably possible while it is processed and stored, including encryption of your personal information using SSL technology. We have set up secure systems and processes to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure of your data.

  • 2.2 In sharing your personal data with Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC, you accept that no method of data transmission or storage can ever be guaranteed 100% secure.

3) Your rights

  • 3.1 You can request a copy of your personal data; that anything inaccurate in your personal data is corrected immediately; or that your personal data is erased at any time. Please contact us at .

4) The types of personal data we collect

  • 4.1 We collect personal information and usage data from you.

  • 4.2 Personal information includes your name, mobile / phone number, email address and bank card information (card number, expiry date, and billing address).

  • 4.3 Usage data includes information about you and your computer / device used to access the Griffin Growers website.

5) How and when we collect that personal data

  • 5.1 We collect personal information at the time you give it to us and when you communicate with us. This includes when you communicate with Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC by mobile phone or email; when you join an event; when you sign up for our newsletter; or when you purchase a product from our website.

  • 5.2 We collect usage data when you use the Griffin Growers website, including your ‘open’ and ‘unsubscribe’ interactions with the emails and newsletters we send.

6) How we use your personal data

  • 6.1 We may use your personal information and usage data for optimising and enhancing the performance, functionality and user experience of the Griffin Growers website - especially to make it quicker, easier and clearer to sign up for events or complete digital processes / transactions.

7) How we share your personal data

  • 7.1 If you write to us, you agree that any member of Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC may receive and answer your email.

  • 7.2 Only members of Griffin Integrative Natural Agriculture CIC have access to your personal data; that access is strictly within the remit of their job specification; and they have all signed a Non Disclosure Agreement, without exception.

  • 7.3 Sometimes we may share anonymous data with third parties such as Google Analytics to gage the success of certain website pages.

8) How long we retain your personal data

  • 8.1 We keep your personal data for as long as it is needed for communication purposes and however long the law and any contractual obligations require us to.

  • 8.2 We retain your email data until you unsubscribe from our newsletter.

9) Erasing your personal data

  • 9.1. When you request that we delete your personal data, first of all we will ask you to confirm your identity. They will then send you an “Erase Personal Data” confirmation request to the email address linked to your order.

  • 9.2 After you confirm, your personal data including any active subscriptions will be deleted and removed from all mailing lists.

  • 9.3 Please note we are required to retain your request for erasure including the nature of that request, plus how and when it was executed. We are also legally required to leave any financial records pertaining to past order numbers in Stripe and PayPal for 7 years.