Busy bees and a visit from Shinya

The chive flowers are in full bloom and loved by the busy bees. So much is suddenly growing that we've been carried by this spring energy and have been extra busy ourselves. This week has seen the broad beans and tomatoes shoot up, we've filled up the remainder of the three sisters and are making headway in the new netted brassica bed.

The spring cabbages are thriving and the Brussels sprouts are relieved to be out of their pots! We've finally weeded under the berries and have started this year's frame. We’ll be finishing this with the staple gun and then we need to do the same for the raspberries.

Plus, a visit from Shinya

It was so lovely to have Shinya from our partner Shumei Natural Agriculture Farm back with us again last week. He joined us to share his wisdom on seed saving the Shumei way and we were blessed with wonderful weather! The Farm offers regular courses on Shumei principles — do visit their website to find out more.


Budding apples, majestic mugwort and time for a sun dance?


Purification in action