The currency of care and the economy of freely given….

everything in nature is freely given… and it is this deep knowing of the fundamental way of nature that the foundation of Griffin is built on. we are in constant communion with nature, and its through this relationship of care for the soil, the seed and the plant that we deeply connect with ourselves, with others and the abundance of nature itself. this relationship does not come with learning and years of education, it comes with an open heart to feel and nurture and be completely present and in tune with the garden and each other. from this expansive space it is clear to see natures abundance and how all is freely given from the fruits to the seed… nature does not ask for anything in return but thrives with our care which is not prescribed but is observed and felt in the moment and appropriately given.

We are a radical force of change. we closed our online shop and moved our offering to a harvest table from which everyone is welcome to give as they wish in exchange for this abundance in line with the principles of nature and an economy of freely given. As nature freely and abundantly gives to us so we freely give and gift to you. there are no prices and no judgement of what you feel you can give or not. nutritious food should be freely available to everyone. this system brings into existence the humanism and the feeling of what it is that you are transacting with and the full integrity of what is the value of that exchange which comes from that deep internal feel where both parties mutually benefit. certainly when you eat our produce you can taste the difference in the meaning of value as its not a random note exchanged for an anonymous tomato wrapped in a plastic bag with no consideration of where it has come from, how it was grown or cared for but the essence of this economy of exchange is mutually beneficial and consciously felt .

it is my desire that an economy of freely giving starts here and spreads with the ripple of giving and gifting as it goes wider beyond how you acquire just vegetables to all situations and between all individuals. so much is abundant and free, it just needs the currency of care at its core to be realised and to be freely given and from here a revolution can happen as we move into a new world of togetherness and more abundance for the benefit of all.


Our table on the farm gate…


Volunteering Exchange