Volunteering Exchange
As we increasingly encounter the rigidity of structures and restrictions that impact our daily lives which serve to isolate and separate us from each other the importance and value of our Volunteering scheme and the surmounting exchange that happens makes me realise this is such a bountiful mutual and creative way of giving and receiving. It is a place where you can give freely unindebted to a system, its currency is enjoyment and wellbeing for the individual and the group on so many different levels whilst caring for earth and her productive nature. We choose to honour this exchange where we can for the care of our beautiful garden with gifts of excess produce but essentially the true gift of the volunteering scheme is the value of freedom and togetherness.
If this project resonates and you would like to connect with us please email Mel and Phil at griffingrowers@gmail.com
I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the Oraclegirl community (oraclegirl.org) for their support of this CIC project and thank all volunteers for their energy and involvement, so much appreciated.
I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the Oraclegirl community (oraclegirl.org) for their support of this CIC project and thank all volunteers for their energy and involvement, so much appreciated.