Thriving in the heat…


With the super intense heat this week, we've been told that the plants have all suddenly released their nectar and the bees are working double time. They're making honey as fast as the 'supers' can be added to the hives!

We've had a week of making and creating jobs so the gardens are desperate for some weeding attention. We started on the bean bed today: keeping the beds 'clean' and allowing nature to do what it needs to in order to balance itself and find its homeostasis is an ongoing balancing act. We've also been repairing and adding walls to the concrete trough below the watercress, in order for it to take the overflow of the water.

There are lots of photos of everyone’s hard work with the soft fruits last week and an uber calendula plant that has self seeded in with the courgettes. Otherwise, I'm appreciating that the pea seed we got has turned out to be black mange tout as they are significantly easier to see amongst the foliage!

There is plenty more to do: the onions that we were all over a couple of weeks ago are ready for more attention. I thought I'd also show the parsnips as the change in quality of the soil is discernable - you can see where they are thriving and where they are struggling.

I need to read up on why the garlic has developed rust but I'm trusting that the soil and seed are actively purifying in the process and returning slowly to stronger health and vitality.

The purple flower is the Lacy Phacelia that is a favourite of the bees, I just love the way it spirals. This one is a particularly dainty example!


What a mixed week!


Hello, sunshine!