What a mixed week!


There is so much going on in the garden this week. The hollyhocks are in flower and looking incredible - I'm pleased I can add them to my diet again now! Phil is growing a super potato with some of the children from Griffin Club: they added another two tyres today and it's still got plenty of growing left to do!

Some of the broad beans are in a very weirdly sorry state. Completely dead, dried up and blackened the length of the stem. Even if the blackfly activity has taken out the growing bud in the top, this still feels like an unusual reaction. I'm not sure what is going on here. The majority of plants also have this spot on their leaves and very few are looking completely clean and healthy. It's such a strange growing year.

The few courgette plants that we managed to germinate are beginning to produce, hopefully we'll get more fruit than we did last year. The apple trees continue to bow under the increasing weight and we have a sparkly finished table! It looks incredible! Steve Orchard has done such a great job. Now we just need the produce to go on it...


Nature’s beauty and a welcome new arrival


Thriving in the heat…