Nature’s beauty and a welcome new arrival

This week I thought I'd celebrate the flowers as well as the veg! Their colour and beauty is incredible: nature, when you stop to be with it, becomes incredibler and incredibler!

It seems everything that is growing this year is super strong and sturdy, if somewhat ‘behind’, so we’re hoping we’ll have an abundance of produce as a result, too in due course. Please visit our harvest table on the garden gate, which is replenished on Fridays with the freshest, most delicious vegetables and herbs from the garden and, in the spirit of nature’s freely given abundance, give what you feel in exchange.

One more thing…

Look what just landed in the meadow!

Our welcome new shepherd’s hut was lifted into the meadow this week - we’ve been eagerly anticipating its arrival.

It already looks like it’s been part of the meadow forever and we’re looking forward to sprucing it up and turning it into a cosy haven for the community (although one volunteer has suggested turning it into a sauna!)

We’re so grateful to have this wonderful shelter - much needed in this year’s rain!


Helping out the burgeoning apples


What a mixed week!