Helping out the burgeoning apples

The baby apple trees are now so laden with fruit that their bowing is concerning! This week we had a discussion as to how best we can support them. We’re looking at propping up the heaviest boughs, perhaps thinning the fruit a little, too.

Overall, the plants continue to do their best with this year’s extreme mix of cold and wet and intense heat and sun. Their size suggests there may be plenty of vitality for growing lots of fruit and our fingers are crossed, but it remains to be seen.

We've harvested the garlic and cleaned up the bed. This autumn we've agreed we'll smother it in a duvet of compost. We didn't grow anywhere near the quantity that I feel we need so most of what we have drying may well need to be saved as seed for sowing in October. This year we are much more mindful of the need to seek out and carefully look after the best fruit for seed as this can get lost in the excitement of harvesting and sharing the produce.

Plus, we have a cucumber.... things feel like they are a'happening!


So much to relish…


Nature’s beauty and a welcome new arrival