Bursting at the seams…

Here are pictures of the squash plants bursting out of the tree nursery...not trying to escape but wanting yet more room! Would you believe there are only 3 rows of about 4 plants!? Hidden under the foliage are some really big squash too. It's great to see all this lushness other than the bare soil that would otherwise have been there.

However, it is yet another year of troubled sweet peppers. The bug that creates the hole and rots them from the inside out is sadly on the rampage again. Trying to see this from the Shumei purification perspective is helpful but it's not obvious!

We also have a successful abundance of chilli peppers. We need to think about how we can be creative with them. The apples are looking as beautiful as ever this year and Phil's melons are getting bigger and bigger! (Unlikely to ever be shop-size but impressive none the less!!!)


Potato marbles


Many hands make light work