Intense times…
The deluges of rain have seen rivers flowing through Griffin in places we don't really want them! Everything is looking lush as a result and I've enclosed photos of the much appreciated work our volunteers did last week. It's all feeling much more loved and up together generally despite it being that time of year that descends so quickly into damp, dark, grey and soggy muddle!
Can you spot the very blurry dragonfly who was eyeballing me for a moment as I was trying to capture a picture of the apples? Also earlier in the month I sowed a whole line of giant spinach seeds so I’ve included a photo of one of the five or six successful seedlings that have appeared. I've finished up the seed in an adjacent row so fingers crossed for better results this time!
Also photos of successful leeks at long last and also the turnips!
This week we spent time carefully in amongst the watercress taking out the duck weed. It feels right to manage the duck weed in this way so as to allow more light for the watercress to thrive and come again.